Monday 10 March 2014

Check out the Benefits of practicing yoga in the morning

Yoga is the 5000 year old, Indian tradition which integrates the body and mind by means of breathing techniques and postures that calms and cleanses at the same time. Like every intense physical activity, there is a certain way in which yoga needs to be practiced which would enable the body and mind to derive maximum benefit from the activity. Also, it has been found that there are specific benefits to be attained when yoga is practiced early each morning. Let’s take a look at some of the prominent benefits of practicing yoga in the morning.
  • Breathing is a very important aspect of yoga and when done right, it can stimulate the energy enzymes in one’s body and keep them active all day. Also, the fresh air at dawn goes a long way in calming the senses and providing clarity of thought required to combat a tough day at work
  • As mentioned earlier, Yoga is a calming exercise. It is also a stress buster. Practicing calming, breathing techniques and yogic postures meant for relaxation, in the morning will reduce the amount of stress from the previous day and set a tone for the entire day ahead.
  • The stretching and breathing involved in yoga increases serotonin and endorphin levels. This automatically helps your body feel lighter and brings a glow to your face. It is a proven fact that practicing yoga in the morning would make you look younger.
  • There will be no more restriction on your food consumption levels as it has been proven that practicing yoga in the morning increases your metabolism rate. Hence, the calorie intake of the day would burn away just as quickly leaving you feeling light and healthy all day.
  • In order to practice yoga, early in the morning, a routine should be created. Yoga should be practiced at precisely the same time every morning in order to obtain maximum benefit. Hence, one must regulate their sleeping habits in order to be able to wake early to practice the same. Hence, regular practice of yoga in the morning allows one to regulate their sleeping habits,
  • Everyday work pressure and unhealthy lifestyle leads to accumulation of unwanted toxins in the human body. Breathing techniques involved in yoga help cleanse the toxins, leaving the body cleaner and more immune from diseases. The benefit of the breathing exercises increases in the morning when the oxygen levels are high and also the air is purer when compared to any other time of the day.
One must keep in mind all the benefits of practicing yoga in the morning to enjoy all its bounty. Also, yogic practices provide harmony of body and mind enabling one to lead a happy and stress-free life.